Performance Analysis
Artifact type: Performance Analysis report
Role: I was the sole evaluator for the performance evaluation at Annapolis Middle School, Annapolis, MD.
Artifact Description: This report was used to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers in the arrival of students and maintaining morning routines. Prior to completing the Performance Analysis, there was a gap in which student expectations and performance of morning routines were not being completed and in turn, resulted in higher behavioral problems.
Reflection: This was a very effective exercise to complete as evaluating a performance is key in determining the proper solution for closing the gap in a performance issue. During the exercise, I observed the morning routine of teachers during the arrival of students and their success in completing their morning routine. During the evaluation, there were key items to be identified:
What is the role of the teacher?
What is the student expectation when arriving to school.
Where there items that should be completed that weren't being completed by teachers? If so, why weren't they?
What situations were happening that increase student behavioral issues and how were they handled.
If behavior issues arose, how were they handled by Principals/Supervisors if sent to the office?
Strengths: The report was a wonderful tool to use in completing the observation and evaluation of both student and teacher performance. It is a valuable tool that can be utilized in a multitude of situations, industries, and executive levels.
Weaknesses: This particular report was not well received due to administration lack of interest in the observation. Of the four administrators notified of the project, only 1 reviewed the materials to be used in increasing positive behavior and a stable morning routine in their grade level.