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Conceptual Organizing Structure

Artifact type: Learner Experience/Curriculum Organization
Role: I was the sole curriculum developer for the art curriculum in my school. In order to develop a well rounded program that focused on the student and scaffold learning, I completed an Conceptual Organization Structure to work on organizing the painting curriculum.

Artifact Description: The following conception organization chart explores the layout of the painting curriculum for Monessen City School District in Monessen, PA. The tool was used to redevelop the art program and curriculum to increase the rigor of the program as well as a variety of materials and interests for students to engage in.

Reflection: The organizational structure was a fantastic way to look at the layout of an overall concept and all the moving parts that impact the proper development of the curriculum. Furthermore, it allowed for me to learn a new way to visually analyze a process and how the process flow works. Not only is the visual representation good for the developer, but also the stakeholders as it allows the stakeholder to also visually see the overall flow of a program and give feedback that is applicable and easier to understand.

Strengths: The color visualization makes the organizational structure easy to read and understand.

Weaknesses: I feel there may be times in which this style of structure visualization may not be effective in all manners of designing, prototyping, or development. 

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