Learning Technologies and Design
Please find information on each of the portfolio requirements, competencies, and objectives met during my studies. Each of the artifacts displaying the competencies and objects can be found in the dropdown menu under Portfolio in the menu above.
Goal 1
To provide students with experiences to develop theory-grounded and research-based competencies for the innovative, aesthetic, effective and sustainable design/development and management of technologies for learning opportunities and systems.
Objective: Students are able to design/develop and implement learning and performance opportunities that are meaningful, promote student engagement, and use appropriately selected technology and learning objects to support learners in various systems including direct instruction, constructivist learning, collaborative work, and performance support.
Game developed around the theory of color. Created using Stencyl
Goal 2
To provide students with experiences to develop skills in data collection, analysis, and evaluation for reflecting on and applying to the design/development of learning opportunities and systems.
Objective: Students are able to conduct analysis, manage and optimize collected analytics, in order to translate and develop criteria for measuring learning impact, using theoretical frameworks and existing research to design/develop learning opportunities and systems.
Hierarchal Task Analysis Map
Goal 3
To provide students with experiences to become socially responsible, reflective/sensitive on the interaction of technologies & society and act ethically in response to current and future challenges of emerging technologies for learning.
Objective: Students demonstrate technology leadership and knowledge of ethics as applied to current and future socio-technical context.
Redesign Prototype of the Canvas Discussion Board features. Bringing awareness to usability and societal norms for use of various authoring tools.

UXU Certificate
As a culmination of studies in Instructional Design, I also completed a Graduate Certificate in User Experience and Usability. Along with several courses in Usability and Prototyping, which are demonstrated above in the Canvas redesign Prototype of the discussion board, and the DC Libraries Usability Report and LIS Site Heuristic Evaluation, and Procedural Analysis and Ask System.
The internship was completed with iDesign an Instructional Design company based out of Dallas, TX. My focus during the internship was on the Learner Experience (LX) of a newly developed competency-based course called LX Pathways. To learn more about LX Pathways and the work I completed along with a full report on the Evaluation of the pilot module, click on the link below.

Redesign Prototype of the Canvas Discussion Board features. Bringing awareness to usability and societal norms for use of various authoring tools.