Artifact type: Instructional System Design (Training)
Role: Group project in which I completed 20% of the project. My main focus was the Learner Analysis during the development of the training, including all materials used to assess and gather necessary information prior to and following the training.
Artifact Description: A Makerspace is a place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. The workshop is designed to deliver training to educators about what modules can be made available in their district’s Makerspace and how to use certain tools.
The training program will provide educators with the knowledge and tools they will need to introduce the idea of a Makerspace to their school administration and their school board. When a Makerspace is used properly it can enhance learning, provide an opportunity for students to interact with different types of technology, and give them a hands-on experience.
Competency : Design and Development of learning systems
Reflection: Prior to the start of this project, I had never participated in or utilized a Makerspace. It was certainly a learning curve for me as I never understood the use of a Makerspace and how to make it purposeful and meaningful within a classroom. It was a great experience to fully analyze all aspects of a training and not only its purpose, but why it would be meaningful in terms of the stakeholders, participants, effects it would have on students, and how the knowledge would be utilized in moving classroom education in a new direction to be more hands-on and exploratory where necessary.
Strengths: The training takes a very in-depth look at the full development process for proper training whether it be a short-day long training or a multiple day training. The training was later utilized at a middle school where two of my group members taught to educate teachers across the district about a Makerspace and how to not only start but use it in an effective manner.
Weaknesses: Due to my lack of knowledge of a Makerspace and the district in which my group members taught, I couldn’t act as an SME or effectively relate to their district initiatives. This made the group process slightly tougher, and I there for took on more of the tasks related to revisions, and development of non-district related items.